No One Needs Fancy Table At Which To Eat...

No One Needs Fancy Table At Which To Eat...
Nor Is Fine Wines & Meat Preffered Over Thy Own Tent

Monday, September 28, 2009

Only 5 Days Without Wheat or Gluten and Feeling Much Better!!

Today was hardly the average day!  My husband, my Billy-Jacob, took me all day to doctor appointments and I have been scheduled to be scoped from both ends on Friday.

My CT scans show gal stone on the lining of my gal-bladder which doctor said nothing about.  I read it myself!

But I will have chance to ask more about that!!

But for now I am happy happy happy to report that horrific symptoms for a long time... two years or more are settling down just after removing wheat and gluten from my table and menus!

I no longer use wheat flour even to thicken anything such as a gravy!

I find it very interesting that Jesus used both wheat & weeds to represent so much!

HE taught us to sift the wheat from the weeds that we not waste... that wheat is not thrown out with the weeds.

But HE also said "That until the grain of wheat falls and dies..."   HE could have used any grain to describe dieing to oneself...  Why did he not say: "Unless the corn kernal falls... or Until the grain of rice falls and dies... it is only a grain of rice...  

But JESUS chose none of those, but used only the grain of wheat as a symbol.

I believe it is because like in the old testament meat of certain unclean animals were unfit to be food,
Likewise GOD knew that wheat also can be unhealthy certainly in the proportions that are eaten in todays society.

Now I would like to see these companies making gluten free foods also eliminate the salt! 

We are to be the salt of the earth OURSELVES!!  
Spreading HIS Love!  HIS JOY through our smiles and generosity!

Forevermore All wheat gluten or salt better never again enter this house.... Amen!

Sunday, September 27, 2009



When I was a teen in my father's house, an Aunt of mine came visiting from out of town....

She came baking new breads and serving soybeans to replace meat...

She was living down to earth on a hippee farm!
My mother, here sister, very strong, stuborned and closed minded...
But had so much power over me...
I feared trying it!

It would have been fun eating Aunte's:                 
Home Grown on the Range Specialty Foods & Fixens!

But once Aunte was gone, had I what to my mother was goofy and gross......  ENJOYED TOO MUCH!!

It would have become even tougher living in my Father's House, where the hen, my mother & not my Father DID ALL of the CLUCKING!!

I was not then educated enough to understand, that the new foods she carted down to Louisiana were more than just a fad for attention...

But that changing ones diet can do much more than make them more attractive and slender!

Only now have I learned that not only my Aunte, and many are allergic to wheat!!!

I thought when a youngster "Could that be a joke??"
Mom & Dad & even Pop or Paw-Paw thought it funny!

I asked myself: "What does Good Ole Aunte Judy have to gain making up such a story???"

But I Lived to far away and no cell phones existed way back then!

So being still just a child, I forgot about it, until now I find myself at age 49 and still growiing....

With a turnstyle colon that liked cartwheeling and jumping rope with itself....  not asking to be turned or jumped over...

Chatting with this same Aunte she suggested that I like herself may be allergic to wheat....

With all sotrts of aches and pains and both Doctor
changes and chains....

I took her suggestions and papers seriously!
At 49 I should be a bit wiser, than when I was in bondage as a youth.

My precious hubby, my Billy-Jacob....  Did some serious not just looking but buying!

He bought me at the Harris Teeter here in Charlotte Wheat&Gluten Free Brown Rice Bread!!!!!!!
Produced by "Food For Life" with a smiling sunburst over their name on the packaging.

I believe it has been only 4 days now that I have not eaten any grain products of any kind.

Though I have many symptoms for which I must keep these both Gastrologist & GYN appointments tommorow...
Such as fluid in my uterus according to a July CT scan.....

I feel far far far BETTER than I did before;
And I am begining to even sleep deeper and Longer!!!!
Praise the Lord!

It occered to my heart when I was in prayer with my beloved husband last night;
Is it really a wonder that Jesus used wheat & weeds in HIS parables....
We are to sift the wheat from the weeds that choke it off...
But then HE said:  "If the Grain of wheat does not DIE!!!!"
and "Let the grain of wheat fall and DIE that HE OUR Lord of Our Earth can Shepherd in an even Larger and Finer Harvest!!!!!

EstherStephanada here shaing with you how letting ALL WHEAT & WEEDS DIE is Blessing Us & Can Bless You TOO!