No One Needs Fancy Table At Which To Eat...

No One Needs Fancy Table At Which To Eat...
Nor Is Fine Wines & Meat Preffered Over Thy Own Tent

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Let Us Not Be Fooled By Flash Advertisements & Read The Labels On Food Products We Purchase & Require Food Producers To Accountability!

In an age where large companies are buying out smaller ones becoming more powerful is even more important that everyone that means all of you and my William & I read all labels on the food products we buy for ourselves and our families to consume.

Single serving size packages sounds like a great idea helping folks with habit of over eating to learn how to potion themselves.

But as in everything in the public market places...BUYER BEWARE!

Those fancy flashy ads for slimming of collecting "Kellogg's Family Rewards Points" off of every box of cereal, carton of individual shakes and protein bars and cereal bars all in one portion containers...

Notice those Fancy labelled Special K    Strawberry Protein Bar Delivers only 10 Grams of Protein but you must consume       15 Grams of sugar to get that minuscule amount of protein &160MG of sodium! 4G of Saturated Fat total of 5 grams of fat!

That's enough sugar and salt to cause hypertension & diabetes in a healthy person who eats these to replace and or supplement their diet on the go when cooking is not an option for their busy schedules which is most people in the United States today if not the whole world!

The FDA should require that such companies stop such misleading false advertisements for folks spend more money...these products are not cheap!

They purchase & consume these believing that they are purchasing high standard well balanced nutrition for themselves and that the single size portion is what they should be eating...

But in actuality...

It is those very products making them over weight and even obeesed causing serious health conditions...Diabetes & Hypertension is just the beginning of their decline because they fell for the highly expensive flashy packages and ads and since everone else is doing it ....

Must be a good thing???

Think again!

Get away from the single serving packages!

Move away from Special K  All Together!

Special  K's   Tape measure...Will never give you pleasure...
Nor puts you on track for anything good...
But rather...Get ready to be hospitalized for:

From hypertension and diabetes complications...and treadmills will not be trimming you but measuring that which you can no longer do...

Because you followed the big RED  K believing...
collecting codes for gift cards to buy more death bars in Special K boxes...

Get with it...drop the big Red K Forever more...

Start shaking but never individual bottles again!



In the 1.95lb sized canister powdered mix...find it in WalMart Pharmacy!

But not just any of Body Fortress products will you find the wonderfully healthy balanced proportions of nutrients vs. sugar & sodium ratio!

Go Vanilla not chocolate...and delete the caffeine from your diet...

For if you are a runner or a walker for exercise or like me...not a legal driver...

If you have not a car insurance bill to pay...and ad to that savings the savings of buying Body Fortress Vanilla Canister which is enough for about 20 shakes mixed into milk...

My Precious William...a Vietnam Veteran suffering his second Agent Orange tumor now....
He prefers...prefers in whole milk...never juice...

I tried mixing in both apple, orange & grape juice when I had to return two gallons of WalMart Great Value Milk to the Hammond LA WalMart for they were sour just a day after I purchased!

Whey Protein is from stands to reason why it tastes better added to whole milk...for that is what it is skimmed off from.

So for only $15.99 get Body Fortress Vanilla...your body will benefit gaining                         120mg of potassium, 87mg of calcium with 30 grams of protein only 10grams of protein in every:  SPECIAL Protein bar!

Not exactly special....anymore...

And the BIG BOX Special K Cereal...fancy tape measure around the box...dangling gift cards galore as you collect not just codes...

But in your failure to explore the fine print on every label of every product no matter if same manufacturer or not...
        I guarantee you collect many more rolls of flab around your waist and your ankles with fluid all that SALT will retain!

Why take the time...clipping coupon for a product...
Popular on deception...that makes your mirrored reflection...

Forever not only lumpy and bloated...but sickly...tired...coasting on sugar...HIGHS...
that will move you along for a little while...

Hypoglycemia...diabetes...hypertension not to mention will knock on your hearts door and never depart...

Not even long after you kick the Kellogg's Habit...

And Kellogg's is not the only advertising giant...reaching out for you to spend your hard earned dollars for their products that also will not deliver that which their television, or poster ads promise...

So please be wise...never   "SUPER-SIZE" whether at fast food hamburger or chicken hop stop corner shops...

Nor in your grocery stores...cereal shelves...

Most do not try as hard as Kellogg's Special K to deceive...though many because they are already running races...chasing children or carting them to places...

And so now that fancy box.....with RED TAPE...
that most folks equate with much un-necessary commotion...frustration...that never delivers...
So why why...does a Red TAPE Measure...around boxes and waist lines attract...
so many confused fools anyhow?

We need not analyze any further...for their gimmicks now uncovered will no longer fool even you anymore!!!

If I have helped you today...though this blog which I had to take much time from my routine in caring for my suffering Vietnam Soldier report all that I have discovered to keep now not only him & I healthier but you too...

Since as his full time care giver I am not able to generate income...and the VA has yet to pay his benefits...

We will joyfully receive any donations to meet our daily one has begun a public collection for us as many such suffering American Foreign War Veterans receive...

Our mailing address bellow...Stay Blessed...For God multiplies a thousand times or more the seed anyone plants in my William & me...

For our hearts are always kneeling to HIM...and we pray for all whom we ever meet or greet along any street...or Internet media...

We thank you...never be blue..but wear Blue instead...
If we do....  You can too!


Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1175
Madisonville, LA 70447